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This blue bouquet with mixed shades of blue and cream is one of our absolute favourites! Beautifully detailed with different shades and textures, this bouquet is perfect for weddings, gifts, home decor and baby showers!


We only use the highest quality dried and preserved flowers in all of our hand-crafted bouquets, creating beautiful bouquets and arrangements to suit every interior!
All of our bouquets are perfect gifts for every occasion - send your loved ones a beautiful, long-lasting bouquet that they will treasure.


Approx. Measurements:

30-35cm tall x 15cm wide


40cm tall x 25-28cm wide


40-45cm tall x 35-38cm wide

**Please check measurements of the bouquet before ordering**


Free gift messages are included with every gift order.
Simply add your bouquet to your basket and include your message for your loved one at the checkout!
Bouquets can be delivered directly to your loved ones door for a hassle free experience!
All bouquets arrive gift wrapped in premium recyclable kraft brown paper and hand tied with a ribbon!


Processing time is 1-3 working days
Standard delivery is approx. 2-4 working days
First class delivery is approx. 1-2 working days

All of our bouquets are lovingly hand crafted to order!


*Bridal and high quantity orders are available, these will require a longer processing time - please contact to discuss*


All of our parcels are delivered via Royal Mail. Special occasions such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas may encounter minor delivery delays.
Please note, we are not responsible for any potential delays from Royal Mail - we recommend ordering your bouquet in advance if you require it for a specific date!


Keep away from water, moisture, humidity and sudden temperature changes that can cause flowers to sweat.
Keep away from surfaces that could cause staining. Indoor use only.

Upon receiving your bouquet/arrangement some of the flowers may have settled in transit losing some of their initial volume/fullness. Gently tease the stems to fluff back up to their original size and beauty!


Due to the flowers being natural products, slight variations in stem and head size may occur.
Dried flowers are generally smaller than fresh flowers so please check the measurements to ensure you choose the right bouquet for you!
Our bouquets are all weighed to ensure maximum consistency.
Please allow for any slight shade or colour variations due to seasonal availability.
Stems can be trimmed for your requirements using a pair of floral scissors or shears.
Please check the measurements of this bouquet before ordering.

Summer Sky

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